How to Fit Mueller Braces and Supports

Physical therapists often recommend knee braces and supports to patients recovering from injuries and surgeries or managing chronic pain conditions. Braces help to stabilize the knee while it heals, reducing pain and improving mobility, but only if they fit correctly. Read on to find out how to make sure a new knee brace offers the proper fit.

Check the Size Chart

Before ordering a new brace, check the company’s size chart to maximize the chances of a good fit. Measure the affected knee right at the joint line using a tape measure or a piece of string and a ruler, then match it with the proper size from the size chart.

Try the Two-Finger Method

Once the brace arrives, there’s an easy way to double-check that it offers a proper fit. All it takes is two fingers. Just follow these steps:

Put on the brace according to the manufacturer’s instructions and fasten the straps.

Extend the pointer and middle fingers and slide them beneath the highest strap.

If both fingers don’t fit vertically beneath the strap, it’s too tight. Loosen it and try again.

Alternatively, if a third finger fits, it’s too loose. Tighten the brace.

Repeat the test for each strap. If any are too loose or tight even when the straps are fully extended or withdrawn, the wearer may need a different-sized brace or a different style.

Ask a Physical Therapist

If the brace is fitted correctly using the method above, it should provide stability without adversely impacting the range of motion. The brace should also be comfortable to wear. If it still feels uncomfortable, ask a physical therapist or specializing physician whether the product is the right fit.

Signs of an Ill-Fitting Knee Brace

Knee braces that are too tight may induce tingling, pain, swelling, discoloration, or sensations of numbness below the knee. These symptoms may indicate reduced blood flow or pinched nerves, so take them seriously and loosen the brace or remove it and purchase a better one from Mueller braces and supports.

Knee braces that are too loose don’t provide adequate support. They tend to slide down the leg, where they can create a tripping hazard, and don’t help recovering patients avoid re-injuring their knees. Try tightening the brace or buying a smaller size.

The Bottom Line

Knee braces are invaluable tools for people recovering from surgeries and injuries and patients with chronic pain or mobility problems. However, they’ll only work if they fit properly. Never wear a knee brace that is too tight or too loose.

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